How To Counter The Hog-Rider

Hey guys what's up? I decided that today I was going to talk about how to counter the Hog-Rider in Clash Royale, since my last post was about its best combos.

Before I get into that though, I do want to mention that I need suggestions for future blog posts so drop off your suggestions at my Google+ and your idea will most likely get featured in a future Blog post!

Some people say the Hog-Rider is OP, and maybe it is, but you won't have such a hard time with it you know how to counter it, so here are my favorites!

I think we all know that Barbs do a great job of dealing with a Hog-Rider, but it Can't hurt to put it on this list. If placed in the right place at the right time, you will be able to stop he Hog before it gets off even a single hit.

A Cannon does an Ok job of taking out a Hog-Rider, but try dropping off something like goblins along with it.

Speaking of Goblins, Melee Goblins do a really good job of taking out the Hog-Rider, Spear Goblins do good as well, but those 2 together are your best bet against a Hog.

An Inferno Tower will completely take out a Hog. If you don't already have an Inferno in your deck, I strongly advise adding it, because lower levels are using 'Loons relatively frequently, but lots of people are using Hog-Riders, Royal Giants, & Giants, and the Inferno is the Hard-Counter to  all of the above. 

The Mini-Pekka does a great job of taking out the Hog-Rider. Mini-Pekka is a very awesome relatively versatile card that you should definitely stick into your deck!

If you have no other choice, a Fireball is another option, taking the Hog-Rider
down to half health. Don't do this unless necessary though.

A very good way of countering Hog-Freeze/Zap is Musketeer+Melee Goblins. If placed correctly, your opponent will have a choice of freezing/zapping one or the other; not both. I like to do this (At least before a stuffed an Inferno into my deck) all the time, just to be safe of Freezing/Zapping.

If you know of any ways of countering the Hog that I forgot to mentions, feel free to comment it down below as well as your Suggestion for a future blog post! Thank you so much for stoppin' by, I'll talk to ya next time! 


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